Welcome Kit

Welcome! We’re glad you’re here. You are part of a vibrant group of communicators around campus who are vital to telling the university’s story.

We want you to have the knowledge, resources and connections that will help you succeed. Please use the below starting points along with our broader list of resources and feel free to contact us.

Join the Office of Strategic Communication for our semi-annual orientation for UW–Madison marketing and communications staff to be held in fall 2024. You’ll hear about our approach to institutional marketing and communications, meet leaders and other colleagues, and learn about resources available to all campus communicators. Sign up to be notified when registration opens.

Connect with a University Communications staff member

We recommend identifying a member of University Communications staff who can serve as your liaison, answer questions and connect you to the right people and resources. Unsure who to contact? Send us an email and we’ll find the right fit.

Join a communicators group

We help organize a handful of professional development groups (also known as communities of practice) on campus dedicated to communications, such as Campus Communicators, Research Communicators and #UWSocial. Access the campus communicators list and other groups here. Members share relevant information, help one another solve problems, and meet in person to make connections between communicators across campus.

Stay up to date on campus news

About UW–Madison

  • Points of Pride: Key stats that reflect UW–Madison’s biggest strengths.
  • Data Digest: A comprehensive, quantitative overview of the university’s students, staff, faculty and budget.
  • Clipsheet: Mentions of UW–Madison in the media, updated daily.
  • Office of the Chancellor: Meet Chancellor Jennifer L. Mnookin and learn more about her office.
  • Strategic Framework: Learn about UW–Madison’s 2020-25 strategic priorities and vision.