Utilities Master Plan Project

Traditionally utilities production and distribution projects of the University have focused on the immediate solutions to support the current facilities or to meet the needs of the new facilities under construction or design. There has been limited overall systematic development of distribution systems based on current and projected development. Undertaking a comprehensive utilities master plan will provide a framework from which both capital and maintenance projects for utilities can be developed. The utilities master plan will establish this framework to assist the University and the State in prioritizing projects within the context of available funding and identified needs.

Project Description and Scope:

The UW-Madison utility master plan will provide a comprehensive engineering and economic analysis of existing utility systems and envisioned improvements to provide a framework for utility infrastructure development through the year 2030. The utilities to be analyzed are: electric power, telecommunications, natural gas, high and low pressures steam heating, steam condensate, chilled water, compressed air, domestic water, lake water, sanitary and storm sewer systems, and a fire alarm reporting system.

Using modeling software and other state-of-the-art methods, the consultant shall analyze the current capacity versus load condition of the campus and will identify potential performance, code violations and problem areas. Future loads will also be modeled based on the information from the Building Use Master Plan update. The condition information provided by the campus will also be incorporated to account for ongoing maintenance needs.

The improvements identified in this effort must result in an efficient, practical, cost effective and robust campus utilities distribution system to meet the current and future needs of the university.

File last updated: October 28, 2004

Feedback, questions or accessibility issues: comments@uc.wisc.edu

Copyright © 2004 The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System.